Structuring Chaotic Minds

Strategies for Success in Motherhood and Entrepreneurship

Samantha Guajardo Season 2 Episode 7

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Have you ever found yourself at a career crossroads, yearning to follow your true passion? Samantha Guajardo did just that, trading her health insurance career for the vibrant world of event planning while balancing the joys and challenges of motherhood. Her journey, marked by self-discovery and the pursuit of authenticity in professional life, is a testament to the incredible feats we can achieve when we couple courage with genuine passion. Join us as Samantha shares valuable insights on nurturing a thriving business amidst the demands of raising children, and the critical role a support system plays in this dynamic.

Struggling to keep it all together isn't uncommon, and for those of us maneuvering through life with ADHD, it can seem like a Herculean task. But imagine harnessing the power of an ADHD mind to excel in a high-demand industry like event planning. I reveal my personal toolkit for staying organized, featuring calendars and lists, and together with Samantha, we examine the strengths that ADHD can bring to the table. We also discuss the introduction of efficient systems, like Structure Innovations' client information streamline, which exemplifies the ever-present quest for organizational mastery.

Networking can be daunting, but it's a game-changer in the business world, especially for entrepreneurs and single moms. In this conversation, we transform intimidation into empowerment, offering you tangible strategies to make networking enjoyable and productive. From selecting the right events to the art of follow-up meetings, we cover it all. Furthermore, you'll hear about the power of networking in business growth and the balance of mental wellness in the hustle of life. Remember, when the going gets tough, the community at is here to provide guidance and support, with coaches and mentors at the ready to assist in structuring your chaotic mind.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Structuring Chaotic Minds. My name is Melissa Franklin and I am your host for this show. Today we are so fortunate to be continuing our Season 2 topics of authenticity and putting our real selves forward. I have had the opportunity of being able to attend multiple networking events, but the most recent events that I've actually been attending in San Antonio have been hosted mainly by the same person, so I am super honored to be able to have her on board today. Her name is Samantha Guajardo. Samantha, welcome, hi. Thanks for having me. Can you share with our audience a little bit more about yourself, because for me I'm like she's the event planner that puts on the events I actually want to go to. But can you share a little bit more about yourself, just so the audience becomes familiar with you?

Speaker 2:

Sure, of course. So thanks for having me. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here. My name is Samantha Guajardo. I am the owner of Elite Business Link. So, yes, I am an event business planner. However, I'm a mom first. So, of course, I have three boys and one 17, 16 and soon to be 10. So almost all double digits. It's kind of crazy. So, yeah, it's, it's. It's amazing, though it's fun, being a mom is. It's definitely something I didn't think about. But here I am and my son's about to graduate. So being a mom is always first. But yeah, I'm a business event manager and I am a major connector here in San Antonio and hopefully expanding my business elsewhere.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So a lot of our women and business owners that are in our group tend to struggle with mindsets and being able to feel the confidence necessary to keep going. I know when I look at your business I think to myself, wow, she's killing it and definitely question how much of a journey that was for you. I think subconsciously us as women kind of say like she's doing it, I don't know if I can do it. So really what I'm asking is can you share with our audience, especially the moms, how long it kind of took or what your business building journey looked like?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, of course. So just to kind of give you a little background, I used to be in health insurance, okay, and that's how I started networking, because I was networking to get my name out there for health insurance business, for health insurance business, and just try to meet people and make referral partners and grow relationships, right, um, but I realized that I really was not good at health insurance at all and that honestly really caused me to get into like a I don't want to say deep depression, but I was in like this journey of self-discovery or self-business discovery, because at that point in time I have always been someone that is very able to catch on quickly and, for whatever reason, I could not catch on with insurance and so because of that, it really like made me rethink and question my abilities, right, and during that time when I stepped back from insurance, I knew I didn't want to go back to a corporate job, but I had no idea what path I wanted to go on. During those times, friends would be like you should host events and I had always wanted to host events, but I just never did it. And once, you know, I hit that kind of down point in my insurance journey. I was like you know what, I think I'm going to try it, like I'm going to host an event and see what sticks and just kind of go from from there and I hosted my first event. It was very successful for it being a first event. I had like over 45 people attend Um. So being a first event is really good for for that Um.

Speaker 2:

I felt I fell in love with the journey. I fell in love with being a connector and I just said you know what this is? I think this is where I need to be, this is what I need to do and that's just kind of how I got started. But I mean for me, my business. I've been growing my business for over two years, even though it seems like it's brand new. I've been building my network through networking, even if it was through insurance, just the networking part I've been really doing for almost two years now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that makes a lot more sense as far as how it's come into fruition and like seeing where it's at right now. But I love that you've kind of gone through a similar thing that a lot of moms particularly end up going through. I feel like as moms we tend to do whatever we have to do to make sure the bills still get paid. So we'll take the job or we'll do certain things and we tell ourselves like I'm going to make the most of this, whether we like it or not. So I think I really appreciate the part of your story where you're saying like I didn't enjoy it, I wasn't good at it or I didn't like it, so I went a different route. And it's really cool because you embrace something you actually enjoyed and now it's working for you. So that's exciting.

Speaker 1:

I know like when I first met you I totally did not see you as a single mom. I was like I just see her online and such and I see the events, but I didn't learn any of that other stuff until most recently and such. So as a single mom, I really admire that you're able to balance things, balancing the professional business planning and such. How do you balance everything that you have with those large responsibilities of such grand scale events, and then you still have personal responsibilities. How do you think you balance all that?

Speaker 2:

Having amazing kids help. Um, having amazing kids help. My kids are, honestly, my biggest supporters and my biggest helpers. So you know, when I decided to go on this journey, I really had like a sit down and discussion with them and kind of let them know what exactly my goals are and what I want to do with my business. And I kind of just told my older boys like, hey, y'all are gonna have to step it up. You know I'm going to be gone. And even when I was doing my insurance to like, hey, I might not be home when you come home, dinner might not be ready. So at that time my oldest ended up stepping up and now he cooks dinner for everyone.

Speaker 2:

If I'm not able to be home, you know they'll, they'll cook, they'll clean, they'll do whatever it takes to hold down the household when you know when I'm not available. But that's really how I've been able to manage it, because without, without them there's it would be very difficult. So I'm so grateful that you know they understand and they support me and my journey very difficult. So I'm so grateful that you know, they understand and they support me and my journey and they see what I'm doing every day. You know, someone at one of the kids always asks like what events, how was work, what meetings, what business owners you know? So just being able to have a great support system with my kids has really helped me on my journey.

Speaker 1:

I love that. That's pretty relatable. I feel guilty sometimes. I'm like, am I putting too much on them? But I totally ask my kids for a lot of help and assistance to make sure things are running smoothly in the house. But they're not resentful of anything. They're actually very grateful that they have the opportunity to contribute and do those things because they also understand the balance and still getting mom or still getting me to show up as a person. So I love that. Everybody's like a team and making this work. Can you share a memorable experience that you successfully connected people or businesses that resulted in a larger type of partnership or project for yourself in the past.

Speaker 2:

I think probably one of the biggest things that I took on was my first large event, and so that was with the let's Talk Business podcast mixer.

Speaker 2:

That was back in January. I was asked to help kind of direct and guide that event and through that grand scale event people were actually able to see like, oh wait, she helped you put this on, like she's the one who helped put this stuff together, she helped put these sponsorships together and it was kind of eye opening to a lot of people because people had already seen me in the insurance world was kind of eye-opening to a lot of people because people had already seen me in the insurance world but they had never seen me in like the event planning world. And so to be able to showcase exactly what I'm capable of doing and, you know, make it run very successful and smoothly, it really did get a lot of people seeing what I was doing and because of that I was given a lot of opportunities or asked to help plan other events. So since then that really has helped me with my business.

Speaker 1:

I love that For us. We try to coach our clients, especially at Structure Innovations, on how to focus on creating efficient systems. I don't know about you, but I'm ADHD so I can't focus very long and I get sidetracked really quick. Can you describe a system or a process that you've implemented that's made this event planning process or execution, like it happens every time?

Speaker 2:

Well, as someone that also has ADHD Love it. Yeah, there, someone that also has ADHD Love it. Yeah, there's that. So I would just say that I don't necessarily have how do I say?

Speaker 2:

this. I have systems in place, I have things written down, but a lot of it is just in my head, right, and it's like, okay, well, I have right now I'm probably planning about seven events, a lot of the events that people don't necessarily know about. But it's like, okay, I'm looking for things, I'm seeing venues, there's, there's restaurants, there's caterers, there's planner, there's all kinds of stuff that I'm doing. So the easiest way that helps me with everything is my calendar. I live off my calendar. So anytime anybody wants to book a meeting, a business consultation, everything goes directly through my calendar.

Speaker 2:

Um, because that at least helps me plan my days out. Every morning I wake up I look over my, my schedule of who I'm going to see, what I'm going to do. Um, so definitely calendars and lists. So calendars and lists definitely helped me. Um, I'm working on building kind of like a I don't want to say like a spreadsheet, but something that I can actually keep all of my clients information together for each event just to make it more streamlined for them. So just kind of working on more organization skills. But, again, adhd. So you understand, it's just a little bit here and there, but I get the job. Little bit here and there, but I get the job done, don't worry, I get the job done.

Speaker 1:

I've always told people that too, look, I might get sidetracked. I'm probably gonna go around and do 80 other things that I wasn't even planning, but the job's going to get done. I love that. Um, there's like a bond like.

Speaker 1:

I did not know you were ADHD. I would not have taken that when I met you, um, but I totally could relate to it because I think, like when we're in that job mode, we need to show up a certain way so we're there for everybody else. It's like hi. But there's things I also feel like an ADHD mind can see and process that others can't. So it kind of makes sense, like it. It actually makes sense where you're multitasking a lot of things as it goes along. It just looks different. And I love that you highlighted the calendar, because today that was totally something that stood out. So for our audience, just so you guys know, I had to be a little bit late for this recording and she just made sure to make sure it was calendared. And I felt the same way because I know if I hadn't put it in my calendar, even though I called to have the conversation, I would have already forgot that we're gonna have it like what happened.

Speaker 1:

So that's definitely something that I deal with too. Um, that's pretty cool. I'm gonna have to hook you up with Alyssa so she can get that planning system in place for you, because she she'll do it for you.

Speaker 1:

Community service hours at this point, so it's a lot easier like that. Um, networking is definitely crucial in our field, your field in particular, but what advice would you give to professionals, especially adhd professionals or people that are maybe a little bit nervous about those connections, and how to make meaningful connections that make it worth attending those business events?

Speaker 2:

I would say first, research the events that you're going to. Don't go into an event blindly. One of the biggest things that I was doing before I got into event planning is I would actually plan out event calendars for business owners and by doing so I would help organize these specific types of events, catered to their specific business industry and their specific clientele right. And so when you become aware of what events you're attending, or who's putting them on, or what type of people are going to be there, that is going to help you save a lot of more time than anything. So definitely, rule number one make sure that you try and find the best events that fit your specific niche, that you think you'll find the best referral partners with right.

Speaker 2:

Networking is not about selling. You're not out there going to sell someone at a networking event, like, I'm sorry, it's just not going to happen. Networking is about meeting people, building genuine relationships and building connections. And building connections Anyone can do what you do. But what is what sets you apart from everyone else? Right, everyone is going to go off of your personality. They're going to go off of how you presented yourself, the vibes, the energy. You know I'm I'm very into vibes and energy. So, um, I think, when it, when it comes to that, it really does matter, when you're going into these events and you're actually making a real connection, a personal connection, right.

Speaker 2:

Not about like, oh, tell me what your business is, and and all that, like everyone can tell you what your business is in two seconds, right. I tell people. If you're going to go to at least to one of my events, you know, if you want to talk about business, do that. Outside schedule meeting, right. Make sure that you have a one-on-one with someone to go go more in depth. But when you're at an event like, just hang out, meet people, just like if you're at a bar and you're trying to pick up a date, you're trying to pick a business date, right. That's exactly what networking is just trying to build relationships with other people that are going to help guide you and bring you other connections as well. As far as people that are introverted, a tip that I would say is make sure that you invite someone, Invite someone to go with, find someone that you know that's attending the event and just say, hey, I'm going to go to this event, are you going to this event or would you like to go with me to this event? That is like the best thing to do I would recommend.

Speaker 2:

If you're introverted and you go to an event and you see someone that's introducing everyone, that's shaking everybody's hand. That's hugging everybody, which is me. You go to the leader of the pack and you'll know who the leader of the pack is. You'll know who that person is that's like outgoing and you'll just know right away. Ok, the one, the person that's out there saying hi to everyone and talking. You go up to them and don't be afraid. Just say hey, I'm new here, I'm a little shy.

Speaker 2:

This is what I do. Is there anyone that you can introduce me to? And we will take you around, and I know I will take you around and introduce you to anyone and everyone that we know to make it a lot easier for you. You know, if you're a wallflower, I'm not going to lie, I will pick you out from the wall, like I'll just be like you're not allowed to sit on the wall. Yeah, it is, and I get it, though I. I get it, though I understand, because I, when I went to my very first event, I was nervous. I had no idea what a networking event was when I started this.

Speaker 2:

I had no idea what a networking event was and I had someone go with me and I said please just go with me, I don't know what to expect. And then when I got there, I ended up knowing three people, up knowing three people. So one small world. But two, I've always been that type of person that knows a lot of people and so I didn't really, um, understand that concept in business Like I. I don't know why it just never clicked Like, oh, I can do this outside of business. I never really understood that you know, it could happen in business. And so once I ran into three people, I was like, oh, this is networking. Like I got this, you know. So it became a lot easier for me.

Speaker 2:

So I mean biggest takeaways One make sure that you research your events, make sure that you're attending the right ones. If you need help or guidance, you know I can definitely schedule a meeting with someone to kind of give them a better understanding of what to look for. Two go up to the people that are the movers and the shakers that are out there talking to people, and you'll know right away you can just spot them. Make sure that, just let them know. Hey, I'm new. I want to get to know some people.

Speaker 1:

I'm a little shy and they'll take care of it for you, I love that it kind of reminds me of Donnie's like tips at the last networking event that you had hosted that I went to. How did that project rework, and I felt like it was an amazing event. But I loved the no BS, straightforward directness of you, donnie, like everybody there, and it was so great to be able to resonate or connect with other people that all had that same approach and mindset. It was funny, though, because when I got there, I remember introducing myself to you and then you were saying where's your name on the list? And it was like the first one. But it was funny because then it made it to where the conversations about your Facebook that I had been following you and you were joking about the soccer part, but then the conversation came up because of guests that I had invited, and I'm the same way with them. So when you were talking about the wallflower, I saw some of my friends that I had invited like around the room and I was like what are y'all doing? Move.

Speaker 1:

So I remember, remember going to other tables before Donnie even did his speech. So then, when Donnie talked and he started saying find your extrovert friend, they will be the one to move you from one table to another. Both of my friends looked at me at the same time and they were like, yeah, you already did that. And it's funny because he wasn't wrong. But I think at the same time too, people get scared or worried that they can't connect with someone else. And for me, if I see someone who's quiet or just not doing anything, I'm still going to go connect with them, even if I don't know you. And that's funny because it actually brought on some of the other coaches that we have that we're now partnering with, because they were just kind of like sitting back and not saying anything. We were able to connect from that.

Speaker 1:

Um. So I agree with those tips spot on. But I think I love the most that you had put that networking is not about selling. It's really about building those connections and being able to just have conversations and get to know each other. I love that you highlighted that part. So thank you. Looking forward in general, because things are different. I don't know about you, but things changed in my world for COVID and everything afterward. What advice? Or like how would you see the trends changing in the industry? Or like how would you see the trends changing in the industry? And like what excites you the most about what's happening now in the like, the event planning and what's going to be happening in your industry itself um, that's honestly, that's kind of hard to answer for me, just because, in general, I'm still starting my business.

Speaker 2:

Um, I haven't been in it too long to know what's like, what was trending, what is trending. I just know what I'm doing and what I'm working on. There are some fun things that are going to be happening that I can't really talk about right now.

Speaker 1:

They can't be shared.

Speaker 2:

They can't be shared yet, but just come to one of my events and you'll see yeah, there's. You know, there there's a lot of fun things that are going to be happening. There's a lot of fun things that are going to be happening and I mean me personally I know you went to Donnie's event, but I do have some other events that I do that I try to have something fun and entertaining. So, like my mixers, I typically have a karaoke night and, yeah, it's, it's fun. People are like karaoke and networking event, but it is literally the best thing ever.

Speaker 2:

I like my networking events that I host to have something fun, something interactive or something that's going to get your mind off of actually networking. So I try to have like an activity because I feel like if you have something to do, it takes that pressure off of actually networking and it takes your focus off of something else. And when you're focused on something else, you are able to let your guard down and you can actually make better connections that way, because you're like not so pressured, like, oh my goodness, I have to talk to someone about my business or I have. What am I going to say? Am I going to say the wrong thing, whereas when you're focused on something else, you can actually just like okay, wait, I'm not really paying attention.

Speaker 1:

So when you talk with someone, it's more casual than business. Yeah no, I love that. I 1000% love that. I think, um, as a former educator, that was definitely something I tried my hardest to do when we'd host events for families, because in order to get them there to share the information in general, I was like, well, what are we going to do to get your mind off all the other stuff and make it feel like it's an event you want to attend? So it's another one. You're not going to be like forget that.

Speaker 1:

Last time they convinced us it was going to be some fun stuff and it stinked Like I want to make sure that it's an experience that people want to come back to. So I know I've missed the Loteria. Like I've been looking forward to attending one of yours for that for a minute and I was super upset because I had the wrong calendar date. So, talking about calendars, I didn't get that part right. But I'm definitely looking forward to the events, because when I'm at your events and stuff or like I know I've attended one but I've seen the different things. So I honestly can already tell that it's not about selling the business and that sort of stuff rather than actually making connections, but they're connections that I don't feel that everybody's like.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I got your business card, that's nice, but it was more like actually bonding experience and being able to find out which are some of the companies I want to continue to work with, which are some of these people that I really resonated with and you create those opportunities, so truly appreciate that. I love that about you as a mom and everything else, like with your journeys and stuff. For any other single moms or people out there, what advice would you give them as they're trying to build their business and maybe they're struggling with mindset or different fears that they can't get it done or that you're too much of a badass and they could never be like you?

Speaker 2:

oh please, I'm not a badass at all.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a badass. You say that you're being very like humble, but okay, keep going.

Speaker 2:

No way, no way, there's no thank you though thank you, though. Um, I mean honestly, anyone that is starting their business journey first off should know that it's not going to be easy you just need to know that right away like people can hype it up and you know people can say it is amazing and yes, it is amazing.

Speaker 2:

However, it is not easy. It is not easy and I think that as long as you know that going into the situation, it can at least prepare you to be ready for anything that can come your way. You know, and I think that I have always really struggled sometimes with self-doubt and like not being able to believe in myself. And I'm not going to lie, I really didn't grasp that concept of like belief in myself until someone was able to sit me down and kind of give me a different perspective of the value that I'm providing, perspective of the value that I'm providing. And once someone was able to like sit me down and actually give me a better understanding of the value that I provide, it really wasn't until then, until I was like you know what you're right.

Speaker 2:

You know, because we're so focused on one way, you know, and I think what I would recommend doing is having business owner friends that you can bounce ideas off of or that you can just kind of talk to to. You know, either vent or ask tips and tricks or, you know, just kind of be able to have a mentor, because if you don't really have a mentor, doing it alone? I couldn't imagine doing it alone, because it's so hard and I think doing it alone is the easiest way for you to just give up. But when you have people that are in your corner, supporting you and guiding you or even just like giving you compliments, honestly it's just, it's going to make you feel so much better. So I would suggest finding either a networking group that you truly enjoy and either being a part of it whether it's being a member or at least attending consistently where you can start building those relationships with other people, and then you can find people in those groups that you can actually talk to.

Speaker 1:

Are there any groups that you recommend to other people, like offhand, because they've resonated the most with you?

Speaker 2:

Well, of course, Working Moms of San Antonio.

Speaker 2:

I'm a board member on Working Moms of San Antonio. So obviously that is one of my favorite groups. That's a mom's group. They're all business owners, we all have kids, we all know the struggles. They have a great events that they put on One educational event to help give you guidance on business information. And then also you know a breakfast meetup where we it's called Brewing Business. So you know a breakfast meetup where we we it's called brewing business. So you know we're able to network in the mornings, especially mornings work, because your kids are at school, so you're able to attend during the days.

Speaker 2:

So those are, that is obviously my one of mine, because I'm biased and I'm on the board. But cafe connections, that's another mom's group as well. So that's another mom's networking group. So I know, you know we talked about being a mom. So I would highly suggest at least attending one of those groups. I highly recommended every the the actual Lisa with Cafe Conexions and Erica and Marie with Working Moms of San Antonio. They really love helping other moms, other women in business, and so I always highlight those two mom groups because those are groups that I've attended. If you're in business to business, I recommend coming to my SCN group.

Speaker 1:

Can you say what the acronym SCN stands for?

Speaker 2:

So Success Champions Networking and my chapter here, doug is actually the president, and so it is Alamo City Entrepreneurs and we are a B2B networking group, and so there are so many different groups out there. There's San Antonio networking group that I've attended. There is the San Antonio business professionals. There's so many different groups out there. It's just you really have to find yours that you feel would be the best for you. If you want to go to a chamber there's tons of chambers you can pick and choose associations, there's rotary clubs. There's so many different. You just kind of have to try one out and see which works for you.

Speaker 1:

Definitely recommend some sort of chamber of commerce for pretty much anybody, but it's just more. Which chamber are you going to go find?

Speaker 1:

or which one are you going to associate with, based on your business and your needs? Um, totally agree with all of that. I love the. The scn is definitely what brought me towards meeting you. Um, I think what doug's doing here in san antonio with the alamo chapter is amazing. I just love, in general, what Doug and Jessica have done at the more national level and stuff, so people who might be listening to this that aren't in the San.

Speaker 1:

Antonio chapter or San Antonio area. There's other chapters and other opportunities available. So totally love that. But definitely think it's all about networking and I love how you've raised again and again and again you can't really do this by yourself and you can't imagine having to do it by yourself. Um, so for those people that might be a little scared to get out there and worried that if they do partner with other people or they do collaborate with other people that it might actually hurt them, can you explain, just before we wrap it up, like the power of excelling because you're in larger masses and you're working with multiple people in groups?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean one. First, there's always going to be a fear, right, but you need to vet your people honestly. You need to go in it. You need to talk to who do you think is going to best fit your personality, your mindset, you as an actual individual. Not everyone that you're going to meet is going to be the best fit for you, so make sure, like, whoever you are going to be working with or being a mentor with are the right fit for you, right? I'm really big on values. I'm really big on positivity energy. I'm really big on values. I'm really big on positivity energy. I'm really big on energies as well, as well. I don't know, I'm an energy person, so so you know for me that I think that's a really big deal. Like, first, you know, yes, there are people that just aren't going to work out for you, um, so I would definitely vet them for that. I forgot the other one, no sorry.

Speaker 1:

So it's basically saying like for people who might have fears of getting out there and collaborating. Can you explain the power of once they get past that fear, like how quickly things can actually grow for them by embracing others, Even if they're not working for them?

Speaker 2:

rather than working alongside somehow. Yeah, so I mean, I think when you build that community of people, that you network right, it's so much easier because you have people technically working for you. So there's people that are going to these other events and they're saying what they do, and then you are already at the top of mind. So if someone goes to an event and they're like oh, I'm a photographer, I get texts, hey, I just met this photographer. I want you to connect with them, and so that's how I build those relationships through other people.

Speaker 2:

So the best way to do that is just, you know, build those relationships, don't be afraid. You know, as long as you have a great connection with that person, you're always going to be top of mind right. So you know, as long as you have a great connection with that person, you're always going to be top of mind right. So you know, do good to others and others will do good to you. And so I think you know, by having that mentality and having the right people out there, just know that people are out there working for you, and not only are they working for you, but their help. They will help support you on your journey and they will help get you to where you want to be. You just won't even expect that it will just happen overnight. One day, someone will call you and open a door and it's up to you to say yes or no. I love that.

Speaker 1:

I think it's that. There's a quote that I've heard that's basically like I'd rather be hanging out with people that are going to speak good or like celebrate me when I'm not around, and I truly love that because it's like I don't need to be everywhere, rather than build those connections so that I'm still technically everywhere. I love that. Where can people find you, especially individuals who maybe need help with event planning or would like to attend one of your events? What's the best way to connect and find?

Speaker 2:

you. Social media, obviously, is my baby, so you can go to my personal Facebook. That's. That's probably my, my easiest one. So my name's Samantha Guajardo. You'll see a picture of me in orange, most likely, so that orange is my color, so orange and white. I will be in orange and white somehow, some way. So you can go to my personal page, my, my business page, elite business link. My instagram elite business link, linkedin. Samantha guajardo. Um, all the socials are elite business link as well.

Speaker 1:

Phone, email, whatever you want, you can find me they can ask you, you can connect them we will definitely be sure to ask you for that so we can put it in the episode description. So people can't you for any reason, they want to. It's easier click rather than where do I go from there? Because there's no click, I get lost and I'll get distracted. So totally appreciate it. Well, samantha, thank you because I know as a mom, we got to wrap things up and make sure that we keep it there. Um, are there any other tips or any type of things you want to share with everybody before you go ahead and wrap it up with me?

Speaker 2:

As far as I wouldn't say really tips, but I would just say if you have a vision or if you have a goal, write it down and just constantly repeat it and don't let other people's influence you to a different path. Like there's so many times where I get told it's not going to work out or it's not the right path for me, but I can't let other people influence me, and so if you have someone that's influencing you negatively, then just block them out. Whether it's family or close friends, people that are going to try and persuade you a different way are not really there to benefit you or to help you, so just be mindful of that.

Speaker 1:

I love that and I can honestly think of a couple people who needed to hear that. So thank you so much Again. I am seriously looking forward to attending some more events, so we are going to chat more about that, but thank you again for coming on and really just inspiring other women to be able to take that chance and get out there and be willing to put themselves out there. But, as well as all the tips that you've shared with everybody, I truly appreciate it For our audience. If you have any questions for Samantha, feel free to email us and then we will go ahead and make sure that we can connect with her so she can give you that feedback. If you don't know where to find her, we will be sure to include all of her information in our episode notes. And for everybody else, I hope that this episode did resonate with you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to communicate with us and drop it in the DMs.

Speaker 1:

For the rest of you, stay structured and smiling and have a wonderful week. Thank you so much for joining me for today's episode. To catch up on the rest of the season, visit structureandchaoticmindscom or take a quick browse on your current app to see which episodes resonate with you. If you struggle with your own mental wellness or even just balancing life, we have a team of individuals at our site who can help. You can visit structureinnovationscom and find a coach or mentor fit for you. Thank you for joining me once again, melissa Franklin, on this episode of Structuring Chaotic Minds. Stay structured and smiling.