Structuring Chaotic Minds

Crafting a Life of Intention and Harmony

Melissa Franklin Season 2 Episode 1

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Have you ever stood at the crossroads of your life, pondering the authenticity of your path? I'm Melissa Franklin, and this season on Structuring Chaotic Minds, we're embarking on a profound quest for genuineness and self-improvement. Listen as I reveal the essence of living truthfully and how it can ignite personal growth and deep connections. We're kicking off with a bang as Jen Dys, a visionary in the realm of social media, shares her secrets to forging real relationships in the digital world. Together, we'll navigate the power of our narratives and celebrate the victories and challenges you bring to our community spotlight.

Embrace the wisdom that can transform your daily grind into a balanced journey of achievements with insights from the likes of Stephen Covey, James Clear, and Hal Elrod. I'll walk you through my own transformative experiences and equip you with tangible strategies that promise a more intentional and fulfilling life. Whether it's mastering habit stacking or setting the tone for your day with a purposeful morning routine, each step is a move toward a life where your personal and professional paths are not just aligned, but truly balanced. Get ready to be inspired and to take on the challenge of shaping a life that reflects the very best version of you.

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Melissa Franklin:

Welcome back everyone to Structuring Chaotic Minds. I'm your host, Melissa Franklin, and I cannot begin to express how thrilled I am to be here with you today, embarking on this incredible journey that season two promises to be. We've missed you, and we're back energized and more inspired than ever. Today, we're not just kicking off a new season. We're stepping into a realm of exploration, growth and authentic discovery. Season two is about digging deeper, reaching further and embracing the essence of what makes us unique, resilient and constantly evolving. So what's on the agenda for today? Well, we're going to sneak peek into the things that we're going to be exploring this season, the incredible guests that we'll talk to and the impactful stories that we'll be sharing. Plus, I'll share how you can become an active participant in our journey this season, and we're going to go ahead and dive into all of that right now. All right, let's talk about season two.

Melissa Franklin:

This season is about authenticity, personal growth and the power of genuine connections. We're living in a world that's more connected than ever before, thanks to technology, but we also find ourselves in the midst of all the noise, and it can be beyond challenging. This season, we're going to be cutting through that noise together, bringing the conversations that matter, stories that inspire and insights that provoke thought and action. One of the highlights of this season will actually be our next episode featuring Jen Dyce. She is an advocate for using social media as a platform for genuine expression and connection. Her insights into navigating the online world with authenticity are not just thought-provoking, they're really game-changing. But that's just the beginning. We are going to have a lineup of hosts that honestly just blow my mind, from innovators and entrepreneurs to artists and educators. Each one is going to be bringing their own unique perspective on living authenticity facing challenges head-on and making an impact that lasts for others. We're also going to be introducing a new segment this season. We're going to be calling it the voices of the community. This is where you, our listeners, get to share your stories, challenges and victories. We want to hear from you how are you applying the insights from this podcast, your personal growth journey, and what questions do you have for our guests? And what questions do you have for our guests? Before we dive into this exciting details for today's special webinar, let's take a moment to reflect on the three core pillars that not only define our upcoming season, but also the essence of our journey together Authenticity, personal growth and the power of genuine connections.

Melissa Franklin:

So let's start with authenticity. Authenticity is actually about showing up for our true selves, unapologetically and courageously. It's about stripping away the masks we wear and embracing our vulnerabilities, our strengths, our quirks and our truths. In a world that often rewards conformity, choosing to be authentic is radical and it's an act of self-love and defiance. When authenticity is set as our foundation, we're able to pave the way for personal growth.

Melissa Franklin:

Growth is not a linear journey whatsoever. It's a series of ups and downs, challenges and triumphs. It's about pushing our comfort zones, learning from our experiences and continually evolving into the best versions of ourselves. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating, but what amplifies the journey even more is the power of those genuine connections. Connecting with others on a deep, meaningful level allows us to share our journey, learn from one another and support each other. These connections remind us we're not alone, fostering a sense of community and belonging that carry us through the toughest times.

Melissa Franklin:

Why am I sharing this with you? Because today, March 28th 2024, we're inviting you to a webinar that embodies these principles. It's a space where we'll explore the profound impact of our Foundations program and the Balanced Professional Pathways programs Guided by stories of transformation, and individuals who dare to be authentic in our past. They're committed to personal growth and they found strength in their genuine connections. Joining is simple Visit our Structured and Smiling Facebook group and watch the webinar live, and reach out directly to our website or social media to express your interest. Today is a day of new beginnings, shared stories and community. Whether you're a loyal listener already or you're new to this particular podcast, this webinar is an opportunity you won't want to miss.

Melissa Franklin:

With the excitement of today's event, let's return to what Season 2 has in store for us. Today, we're diving into how we can keep learning throughout our lives while keeping everything else in check. In this fast-moving world, finding the right balance between our personal lives and our work is really important. Let's explore together how we can make our lives richer, with constant learning and a well-balanced lifestyle of personal development and reflecting on how these lessons have shaped my journey and those of many of my clients. We'll be chatting about practical tips that you can apply in your own life for greater balance and fulfillment.

Melissa Franklin:

Tony Robbins, known for his motivational spirit and emphasis on active life choices, often reminds us it's not what we get, but who we become, what we contribute, that gives meaning to our lives. This idea is at the heart of what we talk about here. It's about taking control of our own paths, not just in learning new things, but in all aspects of life. Tony teaches us that our true worth isn't measured by what we achieve on our own, but by the growth we experience and the contributions we make. It's a call to focus on personal development and make a positive impact which really transforms our lives from ordinary to extraordinary.

Melissa Franklin:

Having a similar last name and also having the realm of life coaching, we have Mel Robbins. She has the five-second rule and is remarkably straightforward yet impactful. With this concept, she challenges us to act on our insights within a mere five seconds, a method that effectively cuts through hesitation and jumpstarts action. This aligns beautifully with our ethos of decisiveness and action. But the five-second rule goes deeper than just prompting us to act. It's a powerful tool to combat the paralysis of procrastination and self-doubt, but pushing us to move within those critical five seconds, it empowers us to break free from our comfort zones, fostering a habit of proactive responses to opportunities and challenges. This role isn't just about doing. It's about becoming more confident and assertive in our decisions, reshaping our mindset to be more dynamic and responsive in all aspects of life. Our mindset to be more dynamic and responsive in all aspects of life.

Melissa Franklin:

Chalene Johnson brings a vital dimension to personal development. She's one of the first coaches I started following on my own personal growth path. Strategic thinking in goal setting and prioritization is truly what she focuses on. Through personal development, it's not just about taking action. It's more about doing it with clarity and purpose. Charlene's approach and philosophy urges us to define our priorities with precision and ensure that our actions are in line with our priorities. Priorities with precision and ensure that our actions are in line with our priorities. This method of goal setting is particularly impactful for those of us who are trying to find a balance between our ambitions and personal well-being. But understanding what matters to us, we can direct our energies more efficiently, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Her approach teaches us the art of saying no to things that don't align to our goals and yes to the things that do, making sure that every step we take is in the right direction.

Melissa Franklin:

Stephen Covey's insights from the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are even more relevant in our quest for personal and professional growth. His principle for the first things first is particularly transformative for so many individuals. It guides us to differentiate between what's truly important and what merely appears urgent. He introduces a concept called the Eisenhower Matrix, and this principle goes beyond a simple time management tool. It's about making wise choices regarding where our focus is for our energies. By prioritizing tasks based on their real value, we can navigate our lives more purposefully and effectively. Covey's approach encourages us to look at our responsibilities and goals through a lens of significance, ensuring that our actions are always aligned with our deeper objectives. This method of prioritization is invaluable and it helps us allocate our time and resources to what genuinely advances our lives, both professionally and personally.

Melissa Franklin:

James Clear's Atomic Habits offers a transformative perspective on habit formation. Clear emphasis on the power of small, incremental change over time led to significant transformations. Over time led to significant transformations, truly focusing on the power of just one percent improvement each day. His work is a testament to the idea that big changes come from small beginnings. This concept is revolutionary because it breaks down the often overwhelming process of change into manageable, bite-sized steps. By focusing on making tiny improvements consistently, we can affect substantial changes in our lives. This approach aligns seamlessly with our ideals of continuous self-improvement and lifelong learning. It underscores the importance of patience and persistence in personal development, highlighting how minor adjustments in our daily routines can actually lead to profound and lasting change.

Melissa Franklin:

Hal Elrod's Miracle Morning presents a powerful strategy for beginning each day with a clear purpose and intention. This method involves dedicating time each morning to activities that foster personal development, such as meditation, exercise and journaling. I've come to know it now with the practice of savers. By doing so, we not only set a positive and proactive tone for our day, but we also ensure our daily actions are consistently aligned with broader life goals. Elrod's approach emphasizes the significance of morning routines in establishing momentum and focus, making it easier to tackle the day's tasks with energy and clarity. Making it easier to tackle the day's tasks with energy and clarity. This structured start is instrumental in cultivating a mindset geared towards productivity and goal achievement, reinforcing the importance of intentionality in our daily lives.

Melissa Franklin:

These coaches and authors don't just teach us strategies. They guide us in forging a mindset that blends ambition with mindfulness, action with reflection and growth with balance. As we embrace these teachings, we find ourselves in a path that is not only successful but also fulfilling and aligned with our deepest values. In reflecting on these powerful insights, let me share a personal journey where Stephen Covey's principle of begin with the end in mind from the seven habits of highly effective people actually impacted my own life. This principle isn't just a statement, it's a way of living that transformed my approach to balancing my personal and professional aspirations, and it's built into all my coaching programs. By envisioning where we want to be, I began to align my daily actions and decisions with that vision, creating a life that resonates with my deepest values.

Melissa Franklin:

I remember a specific instance in my career when I was swamped with opportunities, yet I felt directionless. It was then that I turned to Covey's wisdom, crafting a personal mission statement that reflected to my ultimate goals. This exercise was an eye-opener. It made me realize that some of my pursuits, although lucrative, were not in harmony with my long-term vision for my life. This realization led me to make some really tough decisions, like turning down certain projects, promotions or opportunities and focusing on those that truly aligned with my values. It wasn't easy, but it was necessary for the balance that I was seeking. This approach not only brought me a new type of professional success, but it also brought personal satisfaction and peace.

Melissa Franklin:

The impact of this particular principle has reached beyond my professional life. For a very long time, it influenced how I interacted with my family and friends and how I prioritized my health and personal development. Suddenly, life wasn't just a series of tasks to be completed. It became a journey towards a more meaningful destination. I also applied this principle to my learning habits. Rather than consuming information randomly, I began selecting books, podcasts and courses that moved me closer towards my goals each year. This selective approach to learning not only saved me time, but also ensured that it constantly was fueling my growth in a direction that mattered to me. To this day, begin With the End In Mind remains a guiding light in my life. It reminds me that every choice, every action should contribute to the tapestry of life I wish to lead. So, as we explore those principles together, I encourage you to ponder on your own goals, your ultimate vision. How do your daily actions contribute to this vision? The answer to this question could be the key to balancing your personal and professional life, just as it was for me. Now let's dive into some steps that are actionable and inspired by the teachings of all these experts.

Melissa Franklin:

First, from James Clear's Atomic Habits, we embrace the concept of habit stacking. This technique involves adding a new habit to an existing habit. For instance, if you already had a habit of drinking coffee every morning, stack a new habit, like writing a gratitude list alongside it. This links the new habit with an established routine, making it easier to maintain. Such small changes, when compounded over time, lead to significant personal and professional growth. Now, thinking about Hal Elrod's miracle morning, he emphasizes starting your day with a purposeful routine, being called savers. It's comprised of silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and scribing. This routine doesn't just kickstart your day, but it actually aligns to daily actions, with your long-term goals and promoting a life that's more balanced. It also helps us realign and program our RAS to really look for those things that our subconscious is really helping us find throughout the day to be in more alignment with our long-term goals.

Melissa Franklin:

Another practical tip that I love is from Chalene Johnson's push concept. She gives the advice that you should set achievable goals and break them down into daily tasks. This method not only helps in managing overwhelming goals, but also ensures consistent progress. Mel Robbins would be talking about the power of the five-second rule. Whenever you feel hesitation, count down Five, four, three, two, one. This is supposed to be able to activate your prefrontal cortex and actually have you act and move. This rule helps combat procrastination and indecision, empowering you to take action towards your goals consistently. Tony Robbins teaches us about the hour of power Dedicating an hour each day to personal development. It could involve exercising, reading or planning. This practice ensures that you're consistently investing in yourself, though.

Melissa Franklin:

Lastly, we have Stephen Covey's principle of sharpening the saw. This one reminds us to regularly renew ourselves in four areas the physical, to regularly renew ourselves in four areas the physical, our social and emotional, our mental areas and our spiritual areas. This total and holistic approach ensures that we're not just productive, but also maintaining an overall well-being. Incorporating these tips into your daily life can lead to profound changes. Remember, it's about small, consistent actions that align with your broader objectives. Start with one tip and master it, and then gradually integrate others. This is how we build a life that's not just successful, but also fulfilling and balanced.

Melissa Franklin:

As we wrap up today's discussion, I invite you, our valued listeners, to embrace these transformative teachings. Reflect on how these principles can be woven into your everyday life. Share your stories, insights and breakthroughs with us on Instagram. You can also visit our website so you can download our app. There you'll gain access to our community, where we celebrate each step towards personal growth and balanced living. Your experiences not only inspire us, but also enrich our collective journey. So please don't hesitate to reach out and be a part of our ever-growing family of lifelong learners and achievers.

Melissa Franklin:

As we conclude today's episode, remember that the path to self-improvement is a never-ending and achievers, as we conclude today's episode, remember that the path to self-improvement is a never-ending and evolving journey. Each day brings new opportunities to learn, grow and find balance in our busy lives. Thank you for sharing your time with me today on Structuring Chaotic Minds. Your presence and feedback make our community stronger and more vibrant. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll continue to explore innovative insights and practical strategies to elevate your personal and professional journey. Until then, keep striving, keep learning and keep balancing. We're excited to welcome you back and embark on this journey together. Stay tuned for another episode with Jen Dice. It's going to be a conversation you won't want to miss. Until next time, keep embracing your journey, keep striving for authenticity. Remember we're in this together.

Melissa Franklin:

This is Melissa Franklin signing off from Structuring Chaotic Minds. See you next episode. A moment of reflection. Here's a quick thought to ponder until our next gathering what's one step you can make today towards being more authentic in your daily life. Sometimes, the smallest actions lead to the biggest transformations. Thank you so much for joining me for today's episode. To catch up on the rest of the season, visit structureandchaoticminds. com or take a quick browse on your current app to see which episodes resonate with you. Or take a quick browse on your current app to see which episodes resonate with you. If you struggle with your own mental wellness or even just balancing life, we have a team of individuals at our site who can help. You can visit structureinnovations. com and find a coach or mentor fit for you. Thank you for joining me once again, Melissa Franklin, on this episode of Structuring Chaotic Minds. Stay structured and smiling.